I have wide experience as a speaker from international forums as Adweek LATAM to private seminars.
Fees range from $2,000 to $10,000 based on the audience, the preparation necessary, the distance, the length of the presentation and the size of the group.
I’ve spoken on more than 15 topics, so if it has to do with marketing expertise, chances are excellent that collaboratively we can come up with a very compelling topic. Time on stage varies from 20 minutes to 4 hours.
Expenses (airfare and hotel) are extra. If we mutually agree that this is a good fit, you’ll receive a firm quotation on the fee and the expenses. I’ll make my own travel arrangements. The fee and expenses will be due two weeks before the actual date. Audio/video capture is only allowed after mutual agreement beforehand.
Please contact me with more information about your opportunity though the form at the end of this page.
If I can help, I’ll be glad to refer you to another expert source.

most popular keynotes

Expedition: a digital marketing compass
Many marketing trends that have emerged over the past twenty years, creating myths that drives companies to take bad decision every day.
We analyze how Internet impacted point of sale, pricing, product and promotion and the new business model that emerge from it, to provide you clear framework to navigate the digital ecosystem.

Evidence-based marketing: key findings from research
According Jeffrey Pfeffer from Harvard: ‘Thinking is very hard work and management fashions are a wonderful substitute for thinking.
Despite data being one of marketing’s current obsessions, most brands aren’t extracting value from the most basic data-points available to everyone. Taking a tour of the main advances in marketing science in the last decades we will provide you a framework to make decisions based on facts and not fads and how marketing could help to bring incremental growth to your company.

Marketing AI: from Mad Men to Math Men
Focusing on key AI technologies, such as machine learning, natural language processing, and robotics, the presentation will help you understand the implications of these new technologies for marketing and how to gain strategic advantage through the use of different kinds of intelligence.

Political Communication in 20 shots
From my experience on political consultancy this keynote will help you how to develop a campaign platform and reach an audience with consistent messaging, illustrated with research examples and historical descriptions of how political leaders seduce their public, having a positive impact in their communities.
Find the inspiration and tools to get involved at any level.